May saw both a substantial battle
(see here) in the Tyger; and a small skirmish on the Cango as well as a few mishaps here and there.
Alex is in Derf; David, in Dinga; Rob, in Ta'ish; and Jeff, in Likaz |
Above you see the map and each of you needs to decide where to go next. Remember that you can:
- go to any adjacent province (crossing water is okay, but mountains block movement)
- or move through one or two hexes of a province to reach yet another province (although you will take penalties and might be stopped in the first province)
- or go "On the River" for the month (this allows you to visit your capitol and transfer troops, and you get to end the month in any province touching your river's blue waters).
So where do you want to go? Remember the higher the "Rebellion Index" is, the more volatile the province.
Following are the current
Rebellion Index for the various districts:
- Alex's Cango River districts are in red
- Rob's Tyger River districts are in green
- Murdock's Vile River districts are in purple
- Jeff's Wazu River districts are in blue
The following "codes" will be in effect -- and the die roll in
parentheses indicate how many points the Rebellion Index will rise
each month if not visited:
- Home Districts are marked with * (d6-4)
- Mission Districts are marked # (d6-2)
- Trading Post Districts have a $ (d8-4)
- Normal Districts are unmarked (d6-3)
- "Beja" Districts are marked -- (B)
- "Dervish" Districts are marked -- (D)
- "Egyptian" Districts are marked -- (E)
- "Pathan" Districts are marked -- (P)
- "Zulu" Districts are marked -- (Z)
Tewfiq * -- (E) ---- 3
Derf # -- (B) ------- 2
Jadu $ -- (P) ------- 2 => 4
Zirak $ -- (P) ------ 3 => 5
Anwak -- (D) -------- 8
Bele -- (Z) ---------- 10 => 11
Noair -- (D) ----------3 => 6
Quett -- (P) --------- 4 => 5
W'tut -- (Z) --------- 2
Nukar * -- (E) ----- 4
Ta'ish # -- (D) ---- 2
Afridi $ -- (P) ----- 6
Swati $ -- (P) ----- 2 => 5
Dendoa -- (B) ---- 12
G'umb -- (Z) ------- 2 => 5
Luni -- (P) ---------- 2 => 5
M'wez -- (Z) ------- 5 => 8
Umma -- (D) ------ 8
Urabbi * -- (E) --- 2
M'tubel # -- (Z) -- 5
Bejj $ -- (B) ------- 5
Dinqa $ -- (D) ---- 2
Alghaz -- (D) ------ 7 => 10
Ghilz -- (P) --------- 6
Tarqa -- (P) -------- 8
J'ele -- (Z) ---------- 3
Z'ooli -- (Z) --------- 3
Kamel * -- (E) ----- 4
Baqqar # -- (D) -- 7 => 10
Fuziwa $ -- (B) --- 3 => 5
Shluk $ -- (D) ---- 9
Dwari -- (P) --------- 5
Likaz -- (Z) ---------- 2
Mazood -- (P) ------ 2 => 4
Ngoon -- (Z) ------- 8
Wazri -- (P) -------- 2 => 3
The Butcher's Bill:
Tyger River forces took a severe mauling in their successful campaign to bring peace back to Ta'ish . . . but in doing so the following perished:
Lt. Pete Kipling -- Adjutant to Capt. Robert Farrier, slain at Ta'ish, May, 1876
Lt. Hiram Peterson -- 88th Connaught Rangers, killed at Ta'ish, May, 1876
Lt. Christopher Stewart -- 45th BNI, died leading his men, Ta'ish, May, 1876
Pvt. Clayton Brooks -- 88th, #3 -- died of earlier woundsPvt. Albert Simpson -- 88th, #10
Pvt. Thomas Hudson -- 88th, #11
Pvt. Charles Smith -- 88th, #13
Pvt. George Nash -- 88th, #14
Christopher Young -- 88th, #15
Pvt. Alan Wallace -- 78th, #2
Pvt. Graham Shaw -- 78th, #4
Pvt. Ian Cameron -- 78th, #5
Pvt. Donald Matheson -- 78th, #8
Pvt. Lewis Duncan -- 78th, #10
Havildar Dey -- 45th, #2
Havildar Rawal -- 2nd, #1
Sepoy Livtar -- 45th, #9
Sepoy Bhajan -- 45th, #11
Sepoy Abrik -- 45th, #15
Sepoy Manoj -- 45th, #16
Sepoy Irleen -- 45th, #18
Gurkha Pun -- 2nd, #6
Gurkha Gurung -- 2nd, #10
Also this month, the
Cango River forces fought a sharp skirmish against the natives of Derf Province with three fatalities
(and a few wounded) amongst its forces:
Pvt. Peter
Lindsey -- 59th, #13
Pvt. James White -- 59th, #20
Sepoy Harleen -- 2nd, #16
Capt. McMurdock's
Vile River Command managed to quell the upsets in Dinga without fighting . . . but the 92nd Highlanders lost
Pvt. David Sinclair, who was carried off by a fever.
Finally the
Wazu River Forces were successful in calming matters in Likaz without the loss of any life . . . however
Sepoy Rasgur (15th, #16) passed away from prior serious wounds.
Medical Reports:
Lt. Neil Cosgrove, 21st (#1): commanding 21st MNI was evacuated to Kyro, but his head wound worsened to "serious", then improved to steady . . . and now he has been deemed eligible to return to duty. Currently in Kyro.
Tyger River:
Pvt. Clayton Brooks, 88th, #3 -- injured 3/76, serious 4/76. died, 5/76
Pvt. Elliot O'Neill, 88th, #6 -- wounded 2/76 serious 3/76, stable 4/76, returned to duty
Pvt. Cecil
Hill, 88th, #9 – 5/76 wounded, returned to duty
Pvt. Geoffrey
Knotts, 88th, #12 – 5/76 wounded, returned to duty
Pvt. Ronald
Appleby, 88th, #20 – 5/76 serious
Pvt. Connor
Sutherland, 78th, #3 – 5/76 wounded, stable
Pvt. Fergus
Sinclair, 78th, #7 – 5/76 wounded, returned to duty
Pvt. Keith
Sinclair, 78th, #9 – 5/76 serious
Sepoy Dharat, 45th BNI, #3
– 5/76 wounded, returned to duty
Sepoy Foola, 45th BNI, #8
– 5/76 wounded, returned to duty
Sepoy Kulbir, 45th BNI, #19
– 5/76 wounded, returned to duty
Gurkha Sunam, 2nd, #2
– 5/76 wounded, returned to duty
Gurkha Lamat, 2nd, #3
– 5/76 wounded, serious
Gurkha Nawangt, 2nd, #5
– 5/76 wounded, serious
Gurkha Ghale, 2nd, #9
– 5/76 wounded, serious
Cango River:
Pvt. Gavin
Shaw, 24th, #10 – 5/76 stable
Vile River:
Havildar Sonam, 4th, #1 -- serious (2-3/76); stable 4/76, (in Kyro)
Gurka Gurun, 4th, #5 -- serious
Gurkha Rai, 4th, #3 -- stable
Gauri, 21st, #3 -- serious
Wazu River:
Pvt. Gordon Ogilvy, 72nd, #8, -- injured 2-4/76, returned to duty, 5/76
Sepoy Rasgur, 15th BNI, #16 -- serious 4/76,
died 5/76
Sepoy Darvesh, 15th BNI, #17 -- stable 4/76, returned to duty, 5/76
Reinforcements: Each player may choose two different reinforcement choices
- -- one British Officer
- -- two British Soldiers
- -- two Gurkhas
- -- one cavalryman & two Sepoys
- -- one artilleryman & one Gurkha
- -- four Sepoys